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études de cas
Découvrez comment de nombreuses entreprises ont obtenu des résultats remarquables grâce à Interactive Paper, et apprenez comment vous pouvez l'utiliser à vos propres fins.
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Nos études de cas
Looking for the common factors that made these campaigns so successful? Here is a list of the what, in our experience, makes for a high-performing Interactive Paper campaign.
Timing - Delivering your campaign at the right time increases the performance [Weekends, holidays...]
Target audience - The recipients must be right for your product or service.
Confection - How the Interactive Paper is packed and presented can make a great difference.
Story - The story you tell, and how you structure the user journey, impacts the performance.
Design - Making your campaign easy to understand increases the performance.
Target audience - What users associate with your brand will strongly impact the user rate.
Nos études de cas
Nos études de cas
Looking for the common factors that made these campaigns so successful? Here is a list of the what, in our experience, makes for a high-performing Interactive Paper campaign.
Timing - Delivering your campaign at the right time increases the performance [Weekends, holidays...]
Target audience - The recipients must be right for your product or service.
Confection - How the Interactive Paper is packed and presented can make a great difference.
Story - The story you tell, and how you structure the user journey, impacts the performance.
Design - Making your campaign easy to understand increases the performance.
Target audience - What users associate with your brand will strongly impact the user rate.
Nos études de cas
Example grpahs
Timing - Delivering your campaign at the right time increases the performance [Weekends, holidays...]
Target audience - The recipients must be right for your product or service.
Confection - How the Interactive Paper is packed and presented can make a great difference.
Story - The story you tell, and how you structure the user journey, impacts the performance.
Design - Making your campaign easy to understand increases the performance.
Target audience - What users associate with your brand will strongly impact the user rate.
Laissez-nous vous montrer comment !
Consultez nos experts et ils vous montreront comment vous pouvez utiliser Interactive Paper à vos fins de marketing.